Finally getting around to draw this character. Ikara Soto!
Also tentacles are hard to draw.

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"The Onion World Team" por Diego Soto vía Behance. Visita:

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工業用バーナーの製造会社として発足した新富士バーナーが展開するアウトドアブランドSOTO。世界中で高い評価を得たMUKA STOVEをピックアップ。

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Throwback Thursday! Last year on Bleaq: Jeff Soto

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This is awsome! Artwork by Jeff Soto

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Caricatura del pastor Soto... faltan muchos íconos de la estupidez humana por dibujar eso sí

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Great rendering of clownman by artist Frank Soto. Thanks again for the fan art frank.

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Soto finished an awesome image for the Heroes in Peril Meaty! Visit for more hot art!

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Added a bit of color to this one. The Art of Michael Soto

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Legends of the Pop Knight. The Art of Michael Soto

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