Chu chu~🐯👄
-my series TCOLW-

206 1050

When Yoongi was 2 years younger than Taehyung.

392 1503

happy 1050 days since the last taegi selca 😔

619 1913

My favorite AU! WITCH AU!!

23 86

[繁中 tran-CHN]

貓咪模式 我成為飼主

15 156

actually idk what to draw so yeah

21 60

This comic thread is a gift to you guys as per 's request for my 4000 fls.
when " Yoon's small pet tiger Tae - Yoon thought that his pet was a cute dog (since Tae is so cute and charming) but actually Tae was a tiger with long tail! "

1.Taehyung was abandoned

1096 2619

[ AgustD x Gangstae ]

When they were able to talk to each other really close was when Tae started to talk about his Tannie uwu

423 1496

I don't know what I'm drawing ạhdkasdj
and hope you can read my words ụ w ụ

229 728