uwa... my well wishes to both of you! being an older sibling can be tough especially when he’s at that age but hang in there!

0 0


2 28

uwa... i foudn this old hanamaru and touched it up a bit more... i think she was a kofi sketch...
damn makes me wish i had my sai brushes back

8 58

RCG's Misako and Kyoko in some Game Over peril uwa! :O Characters and scenario suggested by a couple patrons a while ago~ :3c The bomb's a dud too btw X3c 💣
(Play River City Girls it's really good lol XP)


115 520

Follow-up to my last post involving Mym, here's Plan B of Mym's Scheme with Elisanne and Cleo!~ >:3c
Dragalia grils are a cute uwa~ /// v///


95 613

me: uwa i wanna participate emet hashtag too
also me, realizing i draw his face obscured and his back more than i actually draw his face: ah

145 476

●新井健一郎(9分10秒 片エビ固め)進祐哉◯


0 11


145 769

Part nummer 2 of present for
i really really REALLY like Blackberry and i hope to see more of her rééé
Waddya think of that pic ? Hope I did her some justice uwa
Also, close ups are here cuz i go deep into details :V

31 154

Robin (Fire Emblem)
Artist: e1_uwa

64 446