I had a dream Vanora turned into a vampire, and us in the server ended up making a whole au out of it LOL

Here's vampire Vanora and Draco as her servant.
You're welcome >w>


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random oc post lolz

1 9

Quick oc doodle ~

She can and will snap one day, probably at Myers 😔

3 8

I have finally finished drawing these three!

Originally it was supposed to be only Adison and Perez, but I decided to add in Semlor in cuz y not!

Anyways hope you love em! uwu

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Another Esfir today!
She's finally smiling because she's thinking about someone 😌

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Tried a new outfit for Esfir ✨
She's not used to wearing dresses of any sort,,,

2 8

Another Adison Outfit except it's based off of the one at the right!

I didn't really do it that much justice, but it's fun so oahddjhdk

Also the ruffles headband is something I simplified intentionally cause y'know, ruffles are hard qwq

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I'm finally done doing the drawing challenge! It's actually a whole lot of fun than I expected, and it's a pretty good warm up little activity uwu

I hope y'all liked it!!!

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I don't talk about her so much so... It was time to draw her! Esther, my beloved 🥺

3 9

Welp. It's that time again to drag my freckled snake mutant oc Artemis into another fandom. This time with the company of Rosaria, a snake-like Dream Eater. Also gave Artemis a bit of a redesign. I tried.

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About my vtsom oc, encouraged by Aliya ♥️

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New vtsom oc just dropped!
Say hello to Horui!

They too are a simp-

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[#vtsomoc] redrew this with me and Warren :^)

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it is done.
tbh Chibi Adison is so fun to draw akssksh cutie patootie qwq
I shall now call her Adi in short for her chibi uwu

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Adison except in different-ish outfits
The left one is her without the black dress layer of her maid outfit while the right one is her in a butler outfit
Idk I got bored akjsksd-

1 14

Honestly I've done a little bit more experimenting with this piece and I'm p proud of it!! uwu

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