"Come come kitty, you're so pretty pretty~ Don't go kitty kitty! Stay with me~"

I have been dying to draw Teddy with Hello Kitty stuff along with his genderbend version XD

2 6


13 40

수호시은 낙서
완전 옛날에 그렸던건데 걍 마무리..

11 33

❤️우리 대장 바쿠 생일 축하한다 💚
오늘 유료분 무료분 정말 미쳤읍니다 오타쿠 흡족

22 55

I think gray would see stephen in donald somehow ㅠㅠ
((I couldn’t upload a high quality gif so I have to upload it as vdo,_,))

23 64

수호시은 & 백진시은
What if Gray met Donald and remind him of Stephen

너는 왠지, 나를 온전히 모두 이해해줄 수 있을 거 같거든.

For some reason, I feel like you’re the one who could understand me, all of me, for who I am.

21 46

우리의 강형ㅇ...대장은 바쿠니까.

상품사진 트레

21 62

blood //
wolf but he's like murderous bc he looks good with blood

6 29

벽산 하복입은 수호시은 넘 보고싶었어서..

트레틀 참고

17 37

maybe i just like drawing ben with stickers

20 62

멍냥 바쿠고탁
애들 사복이 나왔는데 붙어있는걸 못봤네

트레틀 씀

13 27

올림픽 단복

10 25