Today is Yagyu's birthday! \^w^/ While she tends to be a's still very cool & tough & cute. Helping out her friends is one of her greatest skills! She's a good squid. x3 Happy Birthday! 🎂\^w^/🎂

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Happy Birthday to best and cutest squid, Yagyuu of My second favorite girl in the whole series. She may love Hibari a bunch but she's still one of the best girls I've seen and I adore her a lot 🦑🎊🎉🎈🎁🎂😍

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Yagyu December 23rd 🎂🎂🎂🍰🍰🍰
Plus Christmas 👙👙👙

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This is dedicated to Yagyu for her birthday! Happy Birthday Squid senran! (12/23) 🎂🎉🦑

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Today is December 23rd! Happy Birthday to the Squid maniac girl from Hanzo Academy, Yagyu!

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I couldn't decide between Yagyu, Shiki, & Naraku. So here's all three 😍

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I wanted to draw Yagyuu but somehow it ended up being Tezuka...

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Feat. Hanzo's Yagyu-chan 😘😘😘😍😍😍

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nvm here it is :) vampire yagyuu :) it was here all along :)

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またまた描いてみました。柳生但馬守宗矩~。「抜かせるな。一度抜けば、斬らねばならぬ」Σ( ̄Д ̄;)ええええっw 斬るの!? 斬るんですか!? 斬っちゃうの!? ちょっと照れてるのもご愛敬(*´∀`*) Another fan-art, Yagyu Tajimanokami Munenori. Woo-hoo, oh Daddy!

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