6 Years Ago Today Breadwinners Premiered on Nickelodeon.

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Dreadwing transforms into a modified MiG-29 "Fulcrum" fighter jet (with a VTOL fan and what looks like to be an undercarriage sensor pod). He's the Decepticon version.

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根掘り 葉掘り 生まれて間もない


さぞ素晴らしい さぞ美しい
君が嬉しくて どこか悔しくて

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Visual development by Reza Riahi for The Breadwinner (2017), dir. Nora Twomey, Cartoon Saloon

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Shattered Glass Darkwind! This heroic Decepticon comedian formed a duo with his pal Dreadwind—at least, until the Autobots decided they didn’t like their routine, and executed the pair in the smelting pool.

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I didn't know the Breadwinner was written by white people who aren't from the Middle East. Consider checking out 'Osama' that has a similar story but is created by an Afghani filmmaker.

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ブレッドウィナー を観ました😺アフガニスタンの少女が主人公でハラハラする展開🙀最終的には私も頑張ろうと思える映画でした😸I watched "The Breadwinner". A girl in Afghanistan is main character. I was nervous🙀In the end, it makes me want to try my best too😸

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champion bird. hero bird. write dreadwing's name in the STARS

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Clara Schumann defied the patriarchy in a party dress.

Most 19th c girls played piano as a hobby; Clara made a career of it, becoming the first great female concert pianist and breadwinner for her husband and 8 children.

First to tell her incredible story.

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Clara Schumann defied the patriarchy in a party dress.

Most 19th c girls played the piano as a hobby; Clara made a career of it, becoming the first great female concert pianist and breadwinner for her husband and 8 children.

First to tell her incredible story.

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Clara Schumann defied the patriarchy in a party dress.

Other 19th c girls played the piano as a hobby. Clara made a career of it, becoming the first great female concert pianist and breadwinner for her husband and 8 children.

First to tell her incredible story.

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