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Spy x Family episode 13 alias Part 2 sudah rilis.
Anya masih tolol, Yor tambah tolol, Loid makin sibuk. Kali ini bakal ketambahan seekor anjing sebagai anggota keluarga yang baru.


Bisa kamu tonton di Netflix, Prime, Disney+, dll. Cari yang paling nyaman saja.

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he/they - male, maybe nb - grey ace
original creation year 2015

Art student, has soft spot for cats, won't admit he's superstitious. Bit shy and easily seems way more serious than he actually is.
In open relationship with Wataru.

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Still my best art.
Makasih anon buat GAnya.
Aku membutuhkan pentab baru, krn yg lama udah usang bgt, walo aku berharap pentabku msh baik2 sj beberapa tahun kedepan, tp aku ingin beli pentab baru. Sayangnya, kebutuhan di rumah byk bgt dan orgtua udh gk kerja. Jd susah nabung🥲

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Aw man since it’s October I can let myself indulge in scientist Naomi with her creation, Haru.

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OJtober day 1! My favorite base game character is Aru. Even though I started with QP, I loved Aru's playstyle and Santa but a cute bunny girl was a great idea. So much to love about this bright and happy girl that does her best for others.

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Day 1 "Nun". Just like last year, I'll be mainly drawing Subaru.

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Me he abierto una cuenta para ir recomendando manga y cómics, podéis leerme en aru.books en instagram ✨📚

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"The Desperate Man" & "The Creation of Adam". Nukilan ilustrasi cerita baru. Versi lengkap ada di instastory (24 hours only).

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Re: Zero Daily Trivia

According to the author in 2015, if all of the candidates for the Royal Selection were turned back into being little girls, they would surprisingly all probably still get really attached to Subaru.

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Artwork done for with her snow leopard girl Fuzia hugging and cuddling my coffee fox boy Hikaru. I'm really in love with the final result 😊
Done in Procreate

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Anyways, to clean out my slight vent of how bad a previous Fandom I was in is like, lemme show you my cute babes from that Fandom. Left one is named Lavi, she was originally shipped with my previous ex's Oc but she's paired with Kou. And right is Sakura, she's with Subaru.

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Eagle Vision reappears for another battle against Hikaru in the presence of Lantis.
Alcyone also reappears, while Lantis observes Eagle carry away an unconscious Hikaru...

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tr! kalian suka sebel ga sih, tiap minggu ada aja merch tokrev yg baru.. blm kelar gambar merch halloween udh nongol aja merch yg baru.. Art by sender

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Iseng nyobain lineart baru...

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It has taken me a long time to actually have proper income to start supporting, but I can happily say I can finally support Aru. Hopefully I can increase it to the next tier at some point.

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Ranmaru. My OC in Genshin universe 💜
He is 27 y.o. from Inazuma, scientist and alchemist. Sword/electro.

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Ho dimenticato la firma e ho dimenticato di colorare la luna di Sesshomaru. Oggi sono stressata e di fretta 😞

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Halo ku mau nitip art! baru.. Sekalian ada yang mau ber🐮 kah?

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