Charles Le Brun, "Tête d'une jeune femme" de la suite de Sysigambis, vers 1660. Etude pour "Les Reines de Perse aux pieds d'Alexandre". Un merveille conservée au Louvre.

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Btw y'avais pas brun, en vrai j'ai pas les cheveux bleu

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Charles Le Brun was born today in 1619. One of the finest artists of his day, Le Brun produced many famous portraits, but he also decorated châteaux, such as the magnificent Vaux-le-Vicomte and Versailles.

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➡️Wolf Burchard, The sovereign artist. Charles Le Brun and the image of Louis XIV.

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On the death of his patron Colbert, his replacement did not have time for Le Brun. As a result the artist was out of sorts & died in his home aged 70, having commanded the French art world for decades. Apotheosis of King Louis XIV, Louis XIV & Heads of the King.

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The King loved Le Brun’s vision & made him Court painter & ennobled him in 1662. Now he had control of decoration in the French palaces too. The Family of Darius (1660), The King Governs (1661), King Louis XIV (c1663) & Study for Alexander (c1660)

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Vigée Le Brun died in Paris, aged 86. Her ravishing work is her epitaph & demonstration of her determination to paint no matter what challenges were thrown at her. Madame Baudin (1835), A Lady (1831) & Aglaé Angélique Gabrielle de Gramont (1824)

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Le Brun continued to travel & paint in London (1803) & Geneva (1807 & 1808) Portrait of Louisa, Queen of Prussia (nd), Duchess of Polignac (nd) & Self-Portrait (1808). Her self-portrait is of a modern woman, a sense of self & an artist who succeeded on her own terms.

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Le Brun broke many barriers to women in the conservative art world. Her membership of the Académie Royale was one such triumph. This was down to pressure from the Queen. La Baronne de Crussol (1785), The Vicomtesse de Vaudreuil (1785) & Daughter of the Actor Caillot (1787)

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At this stage Le Brun has become so fashionable that she came to the attention of the Queen. She painted many images of the monarch as her official painter. Marie Antoinette (1779, 1783, 1783 & 1787). The group depiction was propaganda to highlight the Queen’s role as mother.

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Throughout her life Le Brun created many Self-Portraits where she explored her own image in detail. These pictures were also commercially popular. There was a novelty to a famous female painter. Self-Portrait (1782), Julie Le Brun (1785) & Comtesse de la Châtre (1789)

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Le Brun’s forte was the painting of women. She portrayed them with an intimate empathy & a sense of personality. She clearly enjoyed a rapport with her sitters & was sensitive to fashion & style. The Artist’s Brother, Madame Baudin & Madame Perregaux

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Charles Le Brun au - Trois détails.

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Madame Rousseau et sa fille, Elisabeth
par Élisabeth VIGÉE-LE BRUN (París, 1755 - 1842) Musée du Louvre, Paris

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Voilà où j’en suis dans mes designs pour l’histoire du prince et de la sorcière. Je sais pas si j’en ferai un truc mais je les aime bien ! Le petit dernier (le brun) est le ‘’méchant’’ de cet univers, mais aussi le crush du Prince !

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• Pendentif pointe "cristal" - Chakra de la Gorge

Résine, amazonite, turquoise africaine (jaspe), apatite bleue, quartz, cuivre, paillettes bleues irisées, paillettes bleu clair hexagonales.
Monté sur cordon brun à noeuds coulissants.

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I saw my math teacher watching a One Piece dub while in class and I kid you not I was about to say:

"Brun. You should watch Teenage Robot instead lmfao"
Me and my classmates just laughed at him watching it tho, but my fucking god could I not stop laughing.

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Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun (1755-1842), French painter who created 660 portraits including of royalty and 200 landscapes

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El nº es Gabrielle le Brun, la última francesa viva. Vienen a ser chistes racistas pero aceptables, hilo muy fino. Aquí la artista invitada es Lira Kraunik.

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