Climate change or a giant hand from the cosmos. We would all like it to be a massive doctor Seuss on a rampage that ends it but it’s looking more likely it will be us.

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I’m writing a story about these polar bears stranded on a tropical island after their home melted. I hope I can write a happy ending, but it will take some effort. We need actions from governments and corporations. Do not capitalise on our children’s futures.

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Captain Planet. The one true avenger of mother nature.

Fanart by : and

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How much more do you think Momma Earth can take, Humanity?!

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Well today's been inspiring! Good job everyone that was out in the streets today. I'm still sad I couldn't join, but I joined in spirit! ✊

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- this weeks mural at a passionately environmental school in Bridgnorth

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Young people around the world are leading the , with cities around the world participating in massive protests from September 20-27th

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It’s taken the voice of child for the world to listen.
What a debt we owe to such a determined and courageous person, but it is everyone’s fight to be involved with. Though it may seem incredibly overwhelming, do what you can. Use your voice.

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Here’s my contribution for the brilliant campaign! Drawing in support of all those fighting for our future today. 🌍💚

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“Your actions today, define tomorrow.”
― Lailah Gifty Akita ( Ghana )

🎨 : © Gabriella Barouch

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Can't be there in person this time, but I stand with young people on climate strike today.

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