El Greco creates one of the most dramatic, poignant images I’ve experienced demonstrating both dark and light of the supreme sacrifice of Jesus Christ; recalling Giotto’s fresco two hundred years earlier...

El Greco: The Crucifixion (1596-1600)

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22. Crucifixion by Eugène Delacroix
Pictorial depictions of the crucifixion weren’t very common by the 19th century, but it was a theme Delacroix was drawn to repeatedly, and his versions were, as one might expect, very much products of Romanticism.

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El Greco's Crucifixion

Video about the painting: https://t.co/QgBv0iBlY1

Iconic painting from the Spanish Renaissance master El Greco, The Crucifixion, https://t.co/IgAlUuoZQ0

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Painting at Bedtime.
The Conversion of Mary Magdalene.
Paolo Veronese.

By tradition there would be many followers of Jesus at his crucifixion, in addition to his disciples.The Magdalene is usually one of them. Here is her conversion by that most theatrical of painters, Veronese.

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As it is Holy Week, our children are completing projects at home. Here is some of the art work from some of our KS2 children.

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St Francis receives the stigmata at La Verna - in this Lucas van Leyden piece c. 1512 - 1516, the seraph is combined with the crucifix (Rijksmuseum)

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1483 Sanzio, master painter and architect of the High Renaissance, was born in Urbino.

The Mond Crucifixion, 1502–3 (Up. L) Deposition of Christ, 1507 (Up. R) The Holy Family, 1518 (L) Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione,c.1515 (R)

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Mar 25: Feast of the conception & crucifixion of Jesus; many early Christians believed these events shared the same calendar day

[Panel from ivory casket c.400, an early (and detailed) representation of the crucifixion ]

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like a crucifix
a scarecrow dips,
and stretched out
across the field

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Crucifixion of Saint Peter, Michelangelo Caravaggio c. 1601

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El Greco's Crucifixion

Video about the painting: https://t.co/QgBv0iBlY1

Iconic painting from the Spanish Renaissance master El Greco, The Crucifixion, https://t.co/IgAlUuoZQ0

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