Day 9/100
painting loads of leaves tmr but so happy how this is coming along!!!

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31 Days, 31 Lists: 2018 Great Board Books & Pop-Up Books

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no. 06

Instagram : tonrer

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moan groan...Joan?

More pics over @
IG: dressed_mythical

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Misa is a fashionable kitsune who loves Lolita fashion & looking dainty af. She occupies a lot of space with her many tails & megapoofy petticoats.

More pics over @
IG: dressed_mythical

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Amphitrite , mermaid goddess of the ocean, wife of Poseidon. She controls the tides with her golden staff and is more than capable of kicking ass.

More pics over @
IG: dressed_mythical

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Cutie witch dressed in pastel goth with a bonus kitty familiar 💜💜💜

More pics over @
IG: dressed_mythical

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Ok, this one isn't an OC, it's just my true inner self. I am and always be a weabo sailor scout cat girl. Here I am, hear me NYAN!

More pics over @
IG: dressed_mythical

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Crysthanthenum is a sweet shy satyr girl. She lives in the city but tries to keep the woods close to heart by running a community garden.

More pics over at IG:dressed_mythical

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What's quieter & sneakier than a cat?

A S P I D E R .

Ara Chne is a spiderburglar. She is very serious about it.After all, she has 1000s of babies to feed.

More pics over @

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What's quieter & sneakier than a cat?

A S P I D E R .

Ara Chne is a spiderburglar. She is very serious about it.After all, she has 1000s of babies to feed.

More pics over @

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Start drawing 30 monster girls😚#30Days30Monsters

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F.I.B JOURNAL meets 武田カオリ、作品リリースをしたので、たくさんライブをするように思われるけど、家族との暮らしをベースに、落ち着いて過ごすつもりなので、ペースを急いでいません。

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本日の公演は当日券もあります。予約をお忘れの方も是非直接お越しください。2018.2.26.月.|F.I.B JOURNAL meets 武田カオリ「多様性に住みDAYS365, Standing On The Conner」Release Party 19時〜DJ濱田大介、20時LIVEスタート!何卒お見逃し無く!

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2月26日 F.I.B JOURNAL meets 武田カオリ「多様性に住みDAYS365, Standing On The Conner」Release Party!!Orquesta F.I.B JOURNALは約3年ぶり!!

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So please help me, what information can you garner from just this character

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