Interesting glimpses into Dianna and Corin's histories. When people can live for centuries, they become relics themselves.

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【DIANNAプロジェクトからお知らせ】3/19(日)開催「DIANNA☆SHOWCASE vol.45 in NAGOYA」2nd公演に転校少女歌撃団さんのゲスト出演が決定!!


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All the members of the Official Dianna Soriel Fanclub have assembled to the inspect the mess the Ghingham Fleet made.

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Dianna doesn't fuck around, and neither do her silver hair tubes.

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Sweatson and now Midgard have incited the rage of the Dianna Fanboy Duo. They're fucked.

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Talk about Dianna's ass, watch all your stupid friends get rekt.

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Immortality via cryostasis isn't all that it's cracked up to be as seen in Dianna's existential angst here.😢

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Dianna's fanboy is about to face the biggest and possibly most butthurt Dianna-hater. WHO WILL SURVIVE?

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These two really redeem themselves in this episode with their loyalty to Dianna.

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Oh good, for a second I thought Dianna was going to lose her fancy hat to the sea. We can't have that!

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He's only here to share Dianna's "benevolence." Giving herbal medicine mouth-to-mouth is totally normal on the Moon... I think... 😅

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I can't imagine how (much more) fucked both the Moon and Earth would be if these two overthrew Dianna. 😂

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Dianna finally gets Teteth back for trying to stone her to death several episodes earlier.

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I feel for Dianna in her struggles with menial labor.

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"Clean your glasses, Moonboy, because I AM Dianna!"

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This scene... it's only the beginning of the spiritual journey we'll be taken on by Dianna and Kihel.

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More trivia: the phrase that Dianna often says, "Yoshinani," is almost if not more of a meme than "UNIVERSE!" is in the JP fandom.

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サークル【碧森堂】より、Sirdianna 第一章『革命の足音』が出ます。なろう連載中小説の改稿版となります。頒布価格は500円を予定。


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