Feel free to draw my shadar-kai cleric!

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Cuando los invasores llegaron, los clanes se dividieron en dos bandos. Rhadar lidera a quienes consideraron el control y el equilibrio como camino para encontrar la salvación. Protegerá a todas las familias que confían en ella, aunque le cueste sus principios

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⛩️ Yonmai no Hanabira no Shiki ⛩️
Shadar Kai, Gloom Stalker Ranger

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Someone just asked me to draw them together
They are nice...
But anyway I like SilvAze and ShadAria more...

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⛩️Spooky Shadar Kai Ranger Time ⛩️
This artwork will become available to the public in 3 days!

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A half of a trade for AlphaDargon on DA of their draphibi taking a snoozy!

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Meet Rinn Lathalas A Shadar-Kai Way of the Long Death Monk, coming to the material plane STRAIGHT from the Shadowfell. Look at this guy and make some assumptions. Don't let this flop yall...or else jk.

Also art done but the insanely talented @/miamercuryart please check her out

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I love Shadaria!
I love Shadaria!
I love Shadaria!
I love Shadaria!
I love Shadaria!
I love Shadaria!

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Two of the best boys done by !
Keffris is a Mongrel folk barbarian played by and Caelum is my Shadar-Kai Wizard/Cleric.

They both punched a dreadlord mid monologue because they had enough of his shit.

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The is a and so dreams differently, he remembers his old he reveals they are all long dead. The Lady assures him that as long as he remembers them they live, he shrugs and responds in mock the way he always does. He leaves with his 7/10

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My D&D kids up until this point.

Starling (Storm Sorcerer, Half-Elf (Shadar-Kai)); Tinkerbell (Divine Soul Sorcerer, Eladrin); Poppet (Circle of Spores Druid, Spring Eladrin); Wildflower (Circle of Moon Druid, Winter Eladrin)

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Theodahr is a shadar kai warlock who after he awakened in a new body got convicted of the murder that his former self comitted on his wife and two daughters.
While still confused and without memory the raven queen became some sort of mother figure as she was all he knew.

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Breaking my little quiet spell so you can meet my new Goth Eladrin Death Cleric son, Eky, and 's Mastermind Shadar Kai Rogue Maeve.

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bia: wild mage/beastmaster wood elf sharpshooter (she/her)
alyx: hexblade shadar-kai dungeon delver (they/them)
alkes: eldritch knight shadar-kai war caster (he/him)

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Guys, this is the handsome Shadar Kai of 🦇🖤 I'm deeply in love with their asthetic, was so fun to paint!

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another oc, alyx shadewalker- a shadar-kai warlock. they had a twin brother and a sense of both gr33d and humor

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