Yoongiyoongi yoongiyoongi, yoongiyoongi nyamyyoongi, yoonfi yubi chunki yumki, yongo bongo yoonie buni, yonki yoongles nyomfi nyamgles yoomi chuni yoonchi baby, chunkicakey yoomie bubiii yonfichongiyubiiii~
Shubyduby shubydubyyy

14 29

WC3 (not)T-poses. Might need to be a bit chunkier even. Apparently the archer only has team colour on the leaf cloak. The new model kind of overburdened the cloak with the swirly detailing. WoW strangely insists on adding those metal swirls even on soft parts like cloth and skin.

26 254

tryna get into lineless art, starting with my boy Bob, hes a lil chunkie and stiff but im proud of this attempt ;w;

2 10

Bro I'm just s

thunking abt Mirio rn

7 51

2. Shishunki Bitter Change by Masayoshi.
Gender swap is one thing, but how if you were to grow up in the wrong body? A boy and a girl got swapped at a very young age, trying to figure out life and love for YEARS, together.
Just finished reading this one. Very nice.

1 1

For !!
Slowly chunking on these ;w;

5 11

So Tooth and Claw is now a thing.

's character had a similar color scheme in terms of gear, so now he and Zeiros are a tag team now.


Now here's a of them posing for a promo package.

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Fujiyama-san wa Shishunki by Makoto Ojiro -------> 8 volumes completed

1 6

Chunking out them colours boys :sunglasses:

0 4

Because I wanna make my female followers happy, here's some of my hunkier male OCs

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Photo📸 by shunki & nanami

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For some reason I really like this dragonslayer lad fighting things. Experimenting with a chunkier render style.

0 4

Heh why not this seems fun and I’m awful with thunking of voices- Paula, Marco and Coco.

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[Inktober] Day 19: Sling

My sister recently went in vacation and had our dad catsit. And when she came back poor Luna was a bit chunkier that when she left. Someone has to go on a diet now.

1 2

saber alter is objectively chunkier but mhxa is the absolutest unit to draw

93 405

its been a while since i last drew myself so. touchpad doodle. i got chunkier but i still look like a bastard.

0 2

I present to you...my chunkies and my hunkies 👌

5 11

Also, we had a wee gander at 'Apocalypse,' the fist part of and David Mazzucchelli's 'Born Again' saga. Turns out it's really good. Whodathunkit!?!? (K)


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Ooyasan wa Shishunki! Vol.11 – 2019/10/07

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Radon/Niton is chunkie and nonbinary ❤️

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