and opening reception coming up! This Fri, Sep 27, 5-8PM • Kimball Street Studios • 191 Lisbon Street, Lewiston, ME
I organized and participated in the first one in 2017 and am back at it again this year! I had fun making the new logo…

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i like those coloured ones, think managed to catch some ward kimball vibes

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¿Una exposición de temàtica manga en el MNAC? Sí, es posible🤩. FICOMIC te trae un homenaje en forma de exposición al padre artístico de personajes como Astro Boy,La Princesa Caballero o Kimba❤️Además contaremos con la asistencia de Macoto Tezuka como invitado del

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Wenn es um die Frage geht welcher Film besser ist würden wir immer das Original empfehlen. Und wenn wir sage das Original, dann meinen wir DAS Original. 😉

JUNGLE EMPEROR LEO aka nach jetzt auf Blu-ray:

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kimbap hati-hati

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With the support of the Kimbanguist movement [The Church of Jesus Christ on Earth by His Special Envoy Simon Kimbangu], who actively teach it in their church-run schools, there is a real prospect of the Mandombe script achieving an enduring footprint in Central Africa. 6/6

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Já fiz há muito tempo, eu adoro Kimba.

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🌟My Unico sticker is out now! 🌟

Check out my Kimba sticker as well! ⭐️

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The Kimba the White Lion sticker is now on my esty store!

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the last time i drew kimba was so long ago....poses never change

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A little white lion named Kimba✨✨

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emulating others' styles has always been kinda hard for me and Tikru is such a deviantart character design anyway so making her look legit even when i simplify her is tough 😂 but seeing a lot kimba stuff on my timeline recently inspired me so i did a thing! it was a fun exercise

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lion king did kimba dirty

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Is the twist that she's actually Kimba the whole time?

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Kimba the white lion keeps popping up here and there, so I thought I would sketch some of the characters before bed and color it this morning. Disney doesn't seem to be a fan of this franchise to say the least

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Kimba Vs Simba: The Great Lion King Controversy

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Kimba Vs Simba: The Great Lion King Controversy

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