A being whose name is unknown🤔🤔

0 7

Yeah, I don't think lying to Kubera is a good idea

0 8

Oof, Kubera is going IN rn

0 7

Ooh, Indra's testimony would surely be super interesting

0 9

Kubera is a good distraction alright😅

0 9

I was thinking, could that be why he listened to Sagara when Brahma asked him to just be a bystander, to try to see if that would make things better? But how would that of all things would make things better, maybe I'm just trying to understand why he listened to her

0 8

I can't even imagine how it must be like to go through something like that countless times. He tries and tries but they all turn into mere possibilities in the end

0 9

He stopped the damn time!!

0 10

Oh goodness, what is he gonna do👀 Also, Enan's response was such a Leez thing to say ^^

0 9

Uh oh uh oh, sound the alarms🚨🚨

0 9

"Pls spare me bro, I'll explain later" said Enan to *the* Ananta😂😂😂 That might be one of the single greatest translations I've read in huge props to the translator for this amazing line👏👏👏

0 9

Yeeaah, Enan is in a lil bit of a pickle rn but holy crap, who's this pink haired person, they have contracts with 4 Nastikas?

0 9

Oh shit oh fuck, Ananta is here to retaliate⁉️

0 9

Oh wow, yeah I think she will definitely cause Maruna to do some serious self-reflection, look at his reactions…

0 10

She must bother him extremely on a subconscious level

0 10

Is this how he became the priest of earth, I wonder? His face doesn't seem like he wants to accept such an offer though but this would explain how Rana, his descendant, was a part of the royal family

0 9

Yeah, don't even try to pressure him, this is not something that can easily be forgiven

0 8

Well, let's just say a vile being appealed to his darkest side for a short while

0 9