Failed attempt for the MakimaAiChallenge using NovelAI and 340 Anlas. (only 5/68 are okay)


2 47

Will probably start using art-style next week.

8 97

smile, blushとかUCに入れてもいい感じ。

1 15


2 18


0 0

Sorry for spamming 4 images.

Honorable mentions for the MechGirlAIChallenge. (yes, I'm not tagging this post for the challenge)

7 89

Might have incidentally created something nice, still need to fine-tune to generate consistent faces and style.

9 128

I'm getting a *lot* of fucking cats, though. Not sure why.

0 6

I fucking dig the results, though. I'm really happy where I've ended up "style" wise.

0 6

The tags I've settled on produce some really bizarre shit given no direction.

0 5

Sorry, folks, just weird shit tonight. Titties back tomorrow. I've got a backlog.

0 4

Photo-shoot 7
To Kurenai, clothing is more of a limiter than apparel. Due to the nature and side effect of the experimental growth sample, she will experience random rapid growth spurts at random, clothing will never ever fit.

(generated past weekend)

10 132

In response to my previous post(, here are some pics regarding "gigantic waifu", well you pretty much know which character this is already by now.

3 33

Photo-shoot 006:
Ever since Kurenai incidentally drank the experimental growth sample and grew into a redhead bombshell, revealing clothing/outfits became her new cosplay choices...

22 208

Screw it. Instead of spending countless trying to find out a new artstyle with no avail. I'm sticking with the original style I've been using.

7 95

At the crossroads for (not) choosing a new style...
A: Original artist combo, old model
B: Same as A, new model
C: New Model, new artist style
D: New Model, new artist style

21 192

Same prompts and everything, different artist styles.
Left: New,
Right: Previous.

3 41