Wonderful to see painting transformed into a tapestry at today.

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Learn about Chris Ofili's "The Caged Bird's Song" in our latest blog post by our intern Eliana Reeves

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Chris Ofili’s tapestry is a revelation. Please go see it. Then watch this on the BBC https://t.co/wXHTJTHcii

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Been to at the Cartoon Museum? We're profiling some of the artists starting with : https://t.co/skdfhD9kaF

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Been to the fab yet? We're profiling the artists at BF starting with Rozi Hathaway: https://t.co/xs8nsrQSqt

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Favourites to see Venice in via : Chris Ofili 'Poolside Magic' Venice https://t.co/hGHNBk9wfa

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using watercolour really has made water out of wool --- Spot woven in!

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Game developer profiling chart.

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Happy birthday to Thee Man!!! hope you're stylin' & profilin' tonight.

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Sometimes you just gotta go out there and put the world in the figure four.

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Enero de pedofilia!! Felicidad ven a mi! (?) XDDD

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Siento que voy a ir presa por pedofilia pero vale la pena😍😍

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Quando la Bellarke è così paradossale che non capisci più se sti profili sono seri o se ti trollano e sei tipo:

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