Los estamos con la Nueva Constitución, porque, entre otras cosas, garantiza el derecho de las personas mayores a una vida digna. 🐟

309 1455

also! I have a handful of these silly stickers left (although I think I only have about 3-4 eevees left!) - they’re $4/each or one of all four designs for $13! the atla pikas are holographic! c:

1 1

Those monsties stood no chance! Muaha! Thanks for the great stream! sir_swanky_pants for the raids! Swanky for the sub! Thanks for hangin out, joining the stream, lurking, everything 🥹 y'all the best 💜

5 13

inspired me to do really soft stuff.

And I decided to use my fennec sona. He's almost as emotionally constipated as Barkugo is, so that automatically makes them the most frustrating couple.

But most of the time, nothing needs to be said to get the point across.

4 12

Ils sont tous vraiment bien, mes préféré sont ceux là ( les 6 premier constitue mon équipe de Piximon) https://t.co/hkJCT21tuA

2 7

Je n'échappe pas à la règle en disant que j'adore ! 🤩
Grand fan de Pokemon, je ne peux qu'aimer l'inspiration et son travail.

Je me suis constituer une équipe (Oui, l'originalité et moi on fait la paire...). https://t.co/5YDZrgDxki

1 7

The simple pleasures of are only enhanced by the perceived low rarity of the constituent traits. Grey fur is the most common. Squinted yellow eyes the third most common. Thin gold necklaces = middle of the pack. And yet, peerless in terms of overall impact. Peerless! (6/8)

0 8

Un travail de fou, toujours un de mes artistes préférés sur ce réseau et si je devais constituer une team : 1/2 https://t.co/eFOnxUn1S1

2 28

Britannia between Scylla and Charybdis by James Gillray (1793).

William Pitt the Younger, Chancellor of the Exchequer, steers the ship Constitution carrying Britannia

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Tonight at 8 PM PDT, I will have my revenge on MR Valstrax! Afterwards, I'll just hunt some monsties for about an hour before doing some Eldy Ring!

2 3

Moving later in Castlereagh's career, and into diplomacy, Castlereagh was personally accountable for trying to balance the conflicting values of Britain's constitutional system and the authoritarian monarchies of the Holy Alliance.


1 6

“Did you know your gay, constitution says you are”
You don’t get any context (Feat.

4 14

Las moscas de patas largas (familia Dolichopodidae) constituyen una de las familias de Dipteros con más especies y viven en todo el mundo. Los adultos son voraces depredadores que se alimentan de pequeños artrópodos. https://t.co/UyJA2qqONl

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I reread every few years because I absolutely live for the divan-draping drama of Victor Frankenstein's emotionally battered constitution.

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I will absolutely not be surprised if after years of Democrats refusing to attempt any constitutional amendments to support basic human rights—if Republicans are able to successfully rewrite the constitution.

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La banca se moviliza para que PP o Vox frenen el 'impuestazo' por inconstitucional https://t.co/AwVnrjbmw1 Viñeta:

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