🌟🌟 Comic Spotlight 🌟🌟
Via Romana by follows a pair of ex-lovers reuniting after many years apart in an atmospheric, sweet and romantic story about change, actualisation and growing old.

LIVE on Kickstarter: https://t.co/3JBv8ByPX7

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Loki vestito così nella serie in epoca romana IO POTREI SVENIRE E VOI

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En ce quelques numismates de se pavanent devant vous !
A gauche Entella, à droite Phocée et Cyzique.

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Here's a sweet illustration from 2014 of Romana I and II 🍨 One's ice-cream resembles the other! 🍦

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Villa Romana Del Casale, Piazza Armerina,

Villa built over 50 years from late 3rd C - early 4th C C.E.

A successful boar hunt, one of the hunting scenes surrounding a banquet, in this giant mosaic.

A dynamic scene, look at the clothing details.

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Lo intente pero no entiendo ni flowers el Fire Alpaca :^ Tomen una Eliza piromana que dibuje para practicar ahí

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Hoy salía a la venta y no he podido resistirme, ¡estoy deseando que llegue! Sólo el trailer ya pone los pelos de punta. 🖤 La aleación de magia, misterio y cultura prerromana norteña no me puede gustar más.
👉 Trailer: https://t.co/EcAmV1U9lu |

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Mozza! A defective Big Cheese sporting a micromanager body. He’s prone to overheating which melts his head.

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In occasione della Festa della Musica, riparte con
La prima tappa è venerdì 21 giugno, alle ore 21.15 a Piazzale del Verano.
è Rosina!

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L'#Annunciazione della National Gallery di Londra mostra una Vergine con la colomba dello Spirito Santo ammantata di un inconsueto colore giallo. Il libro della Parola è stato adagiato.
L'angelo veste in toni argentei.Evidenti le influenze dell'arte romana

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★프로픽 아카데미 7월 신규반★
로마나[ROMANA]선생님 목요반(주1회) 오프라인 수업 수강생 모집중!
커리큘럼 바로가기!https://t.co/5JbheAqewv

11 35

★프로픽 아카데미 7월 신규반★
로마나[ROMANA]선생님 목요반(주1회) 오프라인 수업 수강생 모집중!
커리큘럼 바로가기!https://t.co/5JbheAqewv

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Intento adaptar mi estilo, incluso en los diseños más simples, pero es difícil dejar tu impronta, cuando ni siquiera puedes usar perspectivas o colores, solo simples siluetas. Aún así creo q lo conseguí! Os dejo 3 diseños d hoy: Chupete & Bellota + Millas romanas - By:

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Lmao :D Let's hope ma'am Romanator doesn't take all of your time huh

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Cover for Romana's story: Deliverance.

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