A la base c'était un croquis, ça s'est terminé en illu' car le thème du mois d'un serv' s'y prêtait!

On entre un peu plus dans le lore de , et apparemment mon persona à un lien fort avec quelquechose qui ressemble à son reflet... Qui est donc cette personne?

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"Artists have always been at the forefront of societal change." Introducing the and selected artists from the Powerful Art for Social Change Invite: https://t.co/7MOgPBjnuJ
(FR) (DE) (ES) (UK)

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The Belle Epoque was a time of creative innovation and was when the women’s first tailored suit was created. Only the jacket was tailored and a draped skirt would be worn. It challenged societal power and hinted independence for women in the future.

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Ma participation au thème du mois de qui est Gender-Swap !

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Ayqa Khan, Pakistan-American artist taking a stand against societal pressure for women to remove body hair

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You're trapped by societal convention!

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In my universe, Red and the Wolf get past historical and societal barriers and become best buddies.

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"The existence of sea monsters in myth acknowledges the unknowable will of the wild—a reminder of a relationship with a wider, untamed world." Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder on how the myth of sea monsters can illuminate our societal response to the mysterious. https://t.co/AVFwTc25Bi

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Humans I actually like but I can’t draw humans so they’re dogs and cats

Also screw societal norms

(Cam is from a book called Unwind, can’t tag him)

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The first nocturnal on the list, Thrashicorn lives so deep in mosh pits that no light can reach her. Powered by face-melting rock that would make your deaf grandma go even deafer, she bucks societal norms and isn't afraid to let her inner mustang run free.

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As anyone who's ever lived with a werewolf knows, once the societal and biological implications are water under the bridge, what's important is whether or not there's a drain cleaner potent enough for hair.

More great art by !

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✏️ Els dibuixos del nostre en , proposen fer-nos reflexionar sobre la societat i alguns temes de l’actualitat. Aquest mes us anirem ensenyant una mostra dels seus treballs.

▶️ L’entrevistem: https://t.co/l0p2grkspJ
🎥 https://t.co/Tp4YQYSImF

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"'Abbott' doesn’t shy away from the societal problems that rip neighborhoods apart and turn neighbors into strangers. Its Detroit-at-dusk setting gets right into the social and racial strife that tore a community asunder." https://t.co/fxOA7p2Reu

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Fins que no es va inventar l’#escriptura, l’única manera que tenien les societats humanes de passar d’una generació a l’altra els seus coneixements, cultura, valors o tradicions, era oralment. Ho expliquem al dossier del d'abril! La il·lustració és de

9 22

Les conferències sobre l'antic a càrrec de la doctora en Història i arqueòloga Núria Castellano ja són tot un clàssic a . Dijous a les 19 h n'arriba una de nova, aquest cop sobre el paper de la dona en la societat egípcia https://t.co/JozXKFyOLn

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Take in an exploration of societal anxiety, political unease and more at 's 'Notes on Chaos' https://t.co/7023AqnPOd

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Alberto Sughi, Ritratto di Franco Ferrarotti. Copertina per il libro di Carmelina Sicari, A colloquio con Franco Ferrarotti, Gangemi Editore, Roma 2015.
I posters e le covers di Alberto Sughi

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Ayqa Khan, Pakistan-American artist taking a stand against societal pressure for women to remove body hair

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A mystical series exploring a state free of societal standards by illustrator and painter Marcos Navarro. More from “Binomio” > https://t.co/uhxpLJ3AZ6

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