Check out Metamad👺
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Metamad is a creature from the meta world, he is a tribal man travel around the metaverse
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Ayuda banda, cada que veo precios de tarjetas graficas no bajan ni un pingo , incluso hay quienes la subieron a su triple de precio
pero la putamadre aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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224. The bard explains to her the dialogue between Tamadun and Ofidio and all what happened after that.

"I see... Well, let's go to Rebecca's room and draw up a strategy to defeat the assailants with the others".

"Yeah!" Helen agrees.

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221. Helen hugs Beatrice sympathetically and the aristocrat can't hold her tears anymore.

"They appeared from nowhere and tried to imprison me and I... and I... was picking up this bow to give to Tamadun for our wedding... and I reacted automatically..."

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198. "Alonso, do you know where Beatrice can be now?"

"I believe she left the wedding hall to go for a present to Tamadun, and she kept it in the palace's library, so there".

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191. Helen now knows what happened with the wedding.

It's, indeed, a complicated situation. Mostly because of the hostages and because Tamadun's brother, Ofidio, looks like a fanatic.

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190. Ofidio kicks Tamadun on the stomach, with the last one's body writhing in pain.

"Tamadun!" says Alan trying to help his son-in-law despite his handcuffs.

"I don't want to hear you again until I kill your wife, Tamadun!" Ofidio says, enraged.

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184. "Big brother..." the man with black armor says. "How can you betray your homeland and its traditions just for a woman?".

"Ofidio!" Tamadun shouts. "This is pure madness! I not betray Lanun: I want to improve it! Slavery is wrong: humans are not possesions! And Beatrice..."

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183. Then, Helen notices something more: the leader of the kidnappers (an important lanunian noble, judging by his high quality black armor), is speaking with Tamadun, who is sitting on the floor and handcuffed.

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182. ... but lanunians too... And the prince Tamadun is one of them.

"What is happening there?" Helen thinks, confused. "Lanunians kidnapping not only asmensians, but their compatriots too? That makes no sense!"

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