Hii, I'm looking for star wars mutuals!
➳ favorite trilogy: the original
➳ fav ot character: C-3PO (and my fav in the whole saga)
➳ fav prequel character: Obi Wan
➳ fav sequel character: Hux (maybe just in TFA)
➳ fav comic character: Triple Zero

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The fact they brought Black Krrsantan from the comics into live action is so FREAKING AWESOME, can’t wait to see him and Boba clash!!!

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Episode 2 was FANTASTIC. They should have released the first two episodes at the same time, because I think it would have made a big impact. Great action, lots of heart, and some deep-cut fan service that will make old school Star Wars fans smile. 👍👍

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¡Buenos días Mangurrianos! Espero que los os hayan traído muchas cosas.
Yo os quería regalar algo en forma de ilustración de cómo escapa de la terrible criatura ¡Espero que en un futuro no muy lejano lo pueda explicar con viñetas!

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I got covid. Been in bed for 3 days straight. Apparently got a shot of the zoomies tonight at ten and decided to come down here and tear through some work. So here's a boba covid sketch

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Not gonna lie I was expecting the Simba scene or the Wakanda tree 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Toujours aussi cool le fait de montrer les concept arts à chaque fin d’épisode pour les séries Star Wars

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So is the little white sweat rat a Hoojib?

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『ボバ・フェット』 ep2 50分超えで長いな〜と思って観始めたら楽しいじゃん!!野蛮なタスケンがどんどん可愛く見えてきて困るんだけど…!今回の監督は『ジ・アメリカンズ』S5ep11や『ウォッチメン』ep5など印象的なエピソードを手掛けたステフ・グリーン👏#TheBookOfBobaFett

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With episode 2 around the corner, we are dropping some art made by around the Simples!

(and some Simples around the Mandalorian!)

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