//=time() ?>
Tdk paham mengapa kakak ku req gambar ini :thonk:
#Inktober2020 #14/Story 2: Peeling off the armor
Deep thonk time
#inktober #art #inktoberday14 #armor
Thonking if I should also have an art raffle for simple chibi art like this when I reach 200 followers hmm...
(I should finish my pending stuff for now tho pffft)
gonna ride then die on this trend real quick before i sleep bc i want to have a semblance of being visible even if i have been inactive and have nothing new to share lmao
#sameartist ? 🤔 whachu thonk
Jadikan w lagi nabung diamond buat Ultahnya Trey, eh sialaan tiba2 ada event Halloween. Nah terus SSR cardnya Jade legit banget sih w jadi pengen kan...
Terus gak tau yah si Trey 2 hari berturut2 nyambut gua, aku jadi thonk nih anak keknya nge sogok gua biar jangan nge pull
Happy birthday @Sourbeefio !!!
Still technically your birthday in PH sksjskdj
Its u thonking