I'm trans and an artist, a if you will ✨️

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Hi I'm p. And I like drawing my long white haired twinks and their monstrous dadd1es xd

18 85

hi i'm jay! I'm a small digital artist trying to land a biology doctorate... i don't really have a consistent style or theme, just drawing what interests me. and queer stuff. yeah.

1 3

☀️I'm dunkit, a 18 yr i'm continuing to work on this new profile of mine and trying to get myself to do more art this year!!

4 12

heyyyy eu desenho e tenho uma comic fodinha 🏳️‍⚧️

1 12

Hello! I'm Teddie! I'm a nonbinary artist who enjoys drawing silly guys in silly outfits. I mainly draw my ocs but sometimes I draw some Fe3h fanart 🐻🤡

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Wanted to share this too, since I’m non binary 😩❤️❤️❤️
My beloved trans and nb OCs https://t.co/PDBUtLe7bE

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ghost / uk / ze + ve
i like: grimy cyberpunk dystopias, found family, transformative journeys and beating back capitalism w/ disabled queers at the forefront
currently working on an Oddworld RPG, shadowrun zine reissue, Lost In Transit/HSHB!

1 17

im an agender dude who's a big fan of blorbos homemade and store bought alike

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hello hello :> I’m kai and I like to have fun with illustration and storyboarding!

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🏳️‍⚧️🌾hii I love d&d so I draw a lot of it if you like that sort of thing

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hello ! i’m aurora (they/he) and i mostly draw fanart!

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hello i love making art of queer people of colour 🫶🏾 https://t.co/QDfBtPFbN1

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helloooooooo all my ocs r trans & gay :):):)✨

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mrroowwwwwww i do a lot of stuff idk very hashtag versatile https://t.co/HBB5ZVGJIy

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I waketh up for
Hallo I’m Lordy, a nonbinary artist who likes canines and monsters 😈

3 6

hello! I’m an oc and fandom artist! I’m an OSDD1b system and we’re transmasc! We do mostly oc and fandom art 💕 this is our new art account so promotion is appreciated!

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hello I'm Linden!! I enjoy drawing whatever i'm excited about and currently close to finishing up my college senior project!! :~)❤️ https://t.co/nnMJEjMcrd

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Oh hi I pour all my gender feels into my personal artwork because I'm part of 🎨🏳️‍⚧️

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