Tanystropheus was a 6-metre-long reptile from the Middle Triassic. Its neck was longer than its body & tail combined!

(Credit: Mark Witton)

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tumblr comm for bird-butt and triassicduck (my awesome furry mutuals)!!! i loved drawing these 2 lovebirds.

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A fast fact for today's from our fakulty member Mike Lowery: Was the Triassic period the original Seattle?? ————————————————————————I’ve been obsessed with this lately. It’s called the Carnian Pluvial Event and folks it rained for TWO MILLION YEARS.

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Megalancosaurus was a chameleon-like reptile from the Late Triassic. It grew to 25 cm long.

(Credit: deviantart/rolandi)

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CT-scan of procolophonid reveals previously unknown anatomical details of these small lizard-like Triassic reptiles https://t.co/JwoArGjCUd

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Marasuchus lilloensis was a small dinosauriform of Late Triassic Argentina (Chañares Formation) not a dinosaur. The hypothetical crest I used in this reconstruction is meant to be made of some sort of quill-like structures homologous to dinosaur filaments

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Austriadraco is a basal from the Triassic Period of Austria. https://t.co/UBd9fSu1J6

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Writing about ichthyosaurs for LTTAII - reworked Ophthalmosaurus now features alongside Triassic taxa. Text is >50% done and images are almost finished, but progress is slow due to other commitments. This'll be another book finished via late nights and early starts.

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Giant dinosaur bones get archeologists rethinking Triassic period: https://t.co/G3LhtRMo58 via

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Its and since I am including a few size charts in my book, here is the one I am still working on for therapsids of the Triassic and Jurassic. Size comparison with a 1.8 m human. they were not huge but many were not super tiny either.

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For here's of the Triassic pterosaur Caviramus schesaplanensis, an animal with long wings, a robust skull, and densely-packed multicusped teeth. If you like this artwork, it's available from Redbubble as prints and merchandise: https://t.co/RPJDJwy4y0

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This is a quick drawing of the OTHER sharovipterigid Ozimek volans, from the Late Triassic of Poland, made for my upcoming book “Journey To The Mesozoic vol. I”. It was likely also a glider and its long neck and legs made it have really weird proportions

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Drepanosaurus: genus of tree-dwelling reptiles that lived during the Triassic Era,~250-201MYA. They were insectivores & lived on coastal spots of what is modern-day Italy& midwestern USA. Discovered in 1979. They had hooked tails to aid in climbing&holding branches.

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Today I bring you an assortment of Triassic dicynodonts: Dinodontosaurus, Lystrosaurus, Angonisaurus, Ischigualastia, Myosaurus and Kombusia. All these and many more will appear in my book. Dicynodonts are distantly related to us mammals.

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"Pisadas en el fango", relato de con placodontos y simosaurios como protagonistas https://t.co/bVdRvc0FjE

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Morning warmup sketch. Allokotosaurs were WEIRD and so much fun to draw. I decided to sketch today Teraterpeton, a trilophosaurid (possibly) from Late Triassic Nova Scotia 🇨🇦 Just look at that LONG toothless snout (small teeth were present on the back of jaws)

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Hyperodapedon was a stocky rhynchosaur from the Late Triassic period. It grew to 1.3 metres long.

(Credit: Nobu Tamura)

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