It never works for me anyway buuut here we go :')
I am traditional/digital illustrator/2D animator. I draw mostly animals and and sometimes share my crafts!

3 10

Name's Daniel. I enjoy doing environment art and sceneries.

23 95

Hi! I'm Taiyu.
I draw in a shonen-ish style. I do mostly fan art of character I like (girls most of the time), sometimes OCs and random ecchi.

I want to get better at drawing.

19 79

Alright, don’t want to miss this! Hello there, everyone, my name is Judy and I adore drawing fantasy related things with characters and creatures including with designing them as well!

3 4

Artist from Germany that is almost ten years on Twitter.
Many of my drawings are based of dreams.

15 39

I'm a brazilian pixel artist who strives to create new worlds and stories!

8 35

Hello ! I'm Fewfeuille, I'm a french artist, who is currently 17 yo ! I built my own little world and I look forward sharing it with you !
Here are some of my drawings !

0 2

Hello Everyone! I'm Mikey and I make all sorts of art! Figured it's worth a shot so more people can see more art! Digging through the tags has been super interesting so far!

6 27

Joining !

I'm Miu, 2D artist. I do pixel art and animation, but my passions are character design and concept art

9 12

Love ya to bits, Dee!

I’m currently at 938 followers.

My name is Thomas, am 26, and I am a traditional and digital artist of a variety of things, but I specialize in drawing machinery, especially trains and cars.

My Ko-Fi:

5 19

I'm Lemon, I want more time to draw my dumb ocs...

73 452

Можно мне тоже, да?
Я тут типо рисую всякое и мне правда хотелось бы больше фидбека на мои работы.
Подпишитесь на мой твиттер и паблик в вк если вам, конечно же, не трудно *звуки стеснительного стыда*

2 4

My name is Risa and am all about my OCs :'D
At some point I decided to be lazy and just sketch and only flatcolor my stuff, now I have to learn again how to shade :]

I upload all my art on IG!

3 5

I’m Anna and I’ve draw comics and design characters. I hope you enjoy my work as much as I do creating it!

11 18

The Sure.
The That's understandable.
But where's the at? I don't think I've ever known a life above that number. Well, that's the curse of not updating as much as I need to. Anyways, here's some of my stuff!

5 15

Readjusted to the proper tags ^^;
Hey my name is Lanky and I'm just trying to do my best right now. I like birds, roller coasters, designing too many characters and playing DnD

9 22

Saw a lot of ppl do this, thought I'd hop on the bandwagon. Had Twitter for nearly 2 years now! Been working this whole time to just improve my skill level as an artist. Am a very small artist, but won't let that stop me!

30 163