Vas (rhymes with "gravitas") is a nonbinary (hermaphrodite) Voyant, an alien species with organic, cybernetic and psionic properties. Their pronoun depends on who is referring to them.

Fun fact: Vas can't swim.

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Recently completed commission for @/DoctorGravitas

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Sisa2 aktivitas semalam, saya ngefilter gambar2 ini wkwk 🤣

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ada informasi penting banget nih agar tetap aman beraktivitas di era AKB 👍⁣⁣⁣
Apa min informasinya ? STMJ untuk Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru? Susu telur madu jahe? 😩⁣⁣⁣

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Supongo que ya sabes que voté yo jajajaajj

Luego me invitas un Kfc✌

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yok bisa yok 19 hari lagi menuju produktivitas

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Chicos cuando salimos de nuevo? 😂👌✨📽️
/ la próxima invitas tú X'D
/ la sadder
/ la distraída
/ películas de terror no 🚫 xd

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A look at the facial scarring of my childhood character, Ell.

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i know im late to the party but here's my entry for yg satunya aku mau nyobain kyk buku2 aktivitas yg pake stiker gitu hehehe

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Glo and butterflies go to the party

Pusing ma rambutnya anti gravitasi

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Rahmania, dalam masa pandemi kamu tetap bisa melakukan aktivitas donor darah kok. Cuma perhatikan protokoler kesehatan yah!

Selamat Hari Donor Darah Sedunia~

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ja jadi tiba tiba gravitasi menyerang dan super 2 scoop es grim ku berubah jadi hanya super 1 scoop es grim

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Vitas. Color experiment.

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Dah mam siang blom teman???
Aku blom sih tp aku baru aja selesaiin ini, sungguh senang skliiii. Sekarang mo maem dulu, bye. Selamat beraktivitas ❤️☀️

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Si invitas a salir a Pollux inevitablemente Castor irá pegado como chicle junto a ella.

Traducción inglés: Valentinus
Traducción español: Derieff

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Happy Eid Mubarak! Mohon maaf lahir dan batin 🙏✨ Semoga semuanya sehat selalu dan bisa ketemu lagi Ramadhan berikutnya 🐱 Dan semoga pandemi ini cepet selesai supaya kt bs beraktivitas normal lagi 😊

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FFS let Judge Hershey rest. This whole series, while I like some of it, make have less gravitas what John Wagner and Colin MacNeil did. How much this "last ride" is going to last? Was is really necessary?
Judge Hershey has a solid character arc in her run of Judge Dredd...

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Described as one of the most brilliant artists of his generation, Eric Robertson's WW1 experiences as an ambulance driver left many piercing statements about his work. 'Shellburst,' is a deceptively simple painting of inescapable menace but it has absolute gravitas.

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