Frederick Judd Waugh
The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.
Isak Dinesen

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ARTWORKS Liz Waugh McManus | Genista Dunham | Cathy Darcy. Exhibition opens 5 Sept

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Frederick Judd Waugh

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Frederick Judd Waugh
“It is the evening that questions thus from within me.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

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Frederick Judd Waugh
Philosophy lives in words, but truth and fact well up into our lives in ways.
W James

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F Waugh
I pass with relief from the tossing sea of Cause and Theory to the firm ground of Result and Fact.

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“the ocean” — frederick judd waugh

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Frederick Judd Waugh (1861 – 1940)
The Knight Of The Holy Grail
farseekers- journey

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