I saw a couple pose reference on Pinterest and immediately thought of so ofc I had to draw them

Also can we all agree that Black Suit era Yesung was the hottest please and thank you

9 23

The Quintessential Quintuplets (五等分の花嫁, Hepburn: Go-Tōbun no Hanayome, lit. "Five Equal Bride(s)")

and Nakano Original Design and mousepad by artist: Yuk Yuk, Sisi, and 暖暖

Available in https://t.co/U2lfLwFUbf

0 2

While explaining the reasons why he's attracted to Hyuk, Dr.Han gently touched, held & eventually, interlocked his fingers with Hyuk (this suggest a desire for more intimacy btw)

12 144

Hai, Reonites! Di kali ini, kalian bisa kenal lebih dekat lagi dengan karakter Reon, lho!

Yuk, tulis hal-hal yang ingin kamu tanyakan kepada Reon di kolom komentar!

Jawaban dari 3 pertanyaan paling menarik akan diumuman tanggal 19 Februari 2021!

1 6

Karyaku! Ini ucing temenku, ucing kalian bisa duduk begini juga ga?😭😂

Yg suka ucing ayo kita mutualan yuk, biar TL penuh meong🐱

0 42

karyaku! mas rangga nih sksksk

mutualan yuk, akunku campuran tapi

0 29

Cara mimin biar selalu ceria dan terhindar dari godaan baper salah satunya dengan menyebar tebak-tebakan! Kalo kalian, gimana caranya biar ngga gampang baper?

Naikin mood bisa juga dengan baca komik, loh! Yuk, baca di https://t.co/JJ8yAGzjJz.

4 8

Penasaran gimana pembuatan satu buah episode Reon and Friends? Yuk, kita simak step-by-step pembuatan komik Reon and Friends episode "Telat Satu Jam!" di re:CREATE kali ini!

1 4

You can keep canon ryuk, I'll stick with concept ryuk 😤💖

0 1

{💡} Descrição do Baek Kang Hyuk, o protagonista do suposto drama da KBS estrelado por
• Tem quase 40 anos
• Prof no melhor hospital de Seoul
• 185cm de altura
• Foi médico dentro de uma sociedade secreta (tatuagens)
cr. sooye0nie

15 99

Ku buka kelas online lagi nih,
Kali ini mewarnai
Yuk, buruan daftar, jangan sampai kamu lewatin kesempatan ini!

Selasa, 9 Februari 2021
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Investasi: 200k/pax
PROMO EARLY BIRD: 175/pax (Until 22 Jan)
Platform: ZOOM

20 43

Jongho's character, Hyuk, is the maknae in Shax and it looks like they had a Shax choreo practice!

618 2799

Era l'8 gennaio del 1933 quando Pippo debuttò nella tavola domenicale di Mickey Mouse "Enter… Dippy Dog!" di Floyd Gottfredson e Webb Smith pubblicata sui quotidiani statunitensi!

A lui oggi vanno i nostri migliori auguri! Yuk, yuk!

22 123

Webtoon terbaru, “Aku Lahir Sebagai Anak Raja Iblis” udah rilis, nih! Yuk, baca sekarang juga di kakaopage~ ^^

Baca Episode 1, https://t.co/g31dsZx5Wq

4 34

karyaku! animasi pertamaku, masih kaku hehe

btw mutualan yuk, di ig juga bolee

7 219

Webtoon terbaru, “Am I Your Daughter?” udah rilis, nih! Yuk, baca sekarang juga di kakaopage~ ^^

5 51

- Hyuk wanted to stop Hyun from attacking their friends and save everyone, especially his sister. Hyun attacked Hyuk, who turned instantly into a monster.
- He turned into a giant mass of flesh, engulfing everything it touches. His desire was strong enough to match Hyun's power.

0 6

- Hyuk, on the verge of monsterization too, didn't follow the rest of the survivors and stayed in the building
- Ihyun continued to protect them
- Hyuk went downstairs, holding Joon Shin's gun, to lure monsters from Hyun and Jisu
- Wook went upstairs too, to follow Hyun

0 6

Yuk, kita intip ‘step-by-step’ proses pembuatan ilustrasi natal Reon and Friends!

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