画質 高画質

“Quand les riches se font la guerre, ce sont les pauvres qui meurent.” Jean-Paul

Massacre en Corée

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Screenshots of Reine des fleurs, one of project :) The font spacing has some problems but it will be fixed. If you're interested in translating Reine des fleurs, be sure to take a look at https://t.co/ug1epxjjHO

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"Oeil de flamme"

Voici mon Loki, un homme qui maitrise le feu. J'ai profité du fait que ce dessin soit assez simple pour tester un line épais et un ombrage brute qui se font dans le line. J'espère que cela vous plait :^)

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[ lmao ]
Too lazy to retrieve a special font but here

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I'm chairing a meeting in a few days and as ever, wikihow is a font of endless joy

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Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water, our new font SHARK SNACK surfaces to take one last bite out of your summer vacation skinnydip! Scream and scream again — it won’t do you any good, Shark Snack is rough and ready to EAT YOU ALIVE… https://t.co/8XbBqr1Tmp

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Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water, our new font SHARK SNACK surfaces to take one last bite out of your summer vacation skinnydip! https://t.co/xafEOYmgSs

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Here’s an example.

Will take more time on the font in commissions.

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3. Freaky Fred cncnfnfnfnf font ask why 💦💦

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Bonjour les Pokémaniacs !

Serbraise et Cobratiran font leur entrée sur Forêt Éternelle, et on espère qu'ils vont vous plaire !

Merci à et à son coup de stylet qui continue de nous surprendre chaque jour.

CA 🖊️ :
UI 💻 : Jayzon
©️ Forêt Éternelle

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Seeing 4 dante and 5 nero and the yakuza font is sending me to another plane of existence

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Amazing!! 🙌🙌

I was about doing the same keychain version. Can I join you?

Also, can you say me what text font you used?

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I'M EMBARRASSED BUT EY I finally finished it! I'm nervous yet excited to see the charm outcome (the moon's going to be see through+the mist will be semi-opaque)! Went with 'he is' on the back only because the font looked better than 'I am'

Happy Spooks!

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The font size in the previous tweet was readable. This, however... also, the second screenshot reminds me of an ILS again. The air of it is still there.

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I made the image below for personal use.
I traced the title text because I looked for a font but couldn't find it.

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Je respecte les gens. Mais les opinions (dont les convictions religieuses font parti) peuvent, et doivent être critiqués.

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