画質 高画質

Magnolia Arch porque si… Bueno no porque si, me gustan mucho los juegos de la franquicia de Bravely Default y pues eso…

(No tuve tiempo para hacer nada pero no por eso no iba a dejar de hacer algo… No se si eso tiene sentido; Quizás en un futuro haga algo mejor)

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Ieri se ne è andato Monkey Punch, il creatore di Lupin III. Kazuhiko Kato, in arte Monkey Punch, era nato il 26 maggio 1937. Nel 1967 creò Lupin III, personaggio destinato a diventare protagonista di innumerevoli anime.

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An other quick I got inspired by your ava when I saw <3 I really appreciate you took time to teach me some moves. Yours are so smooth, you dance so well! So… thank you!

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!?!so…what's that………

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The loli has been caught. I repeat the loli has been caught.

It's time for to finally get some answers from the XP-hogging thief.

As a bonus, they all are still at the beach. So… 😍😉

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'La princesa Mononke' (1997).

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Another piece for This time with Hayley-as-Samantha wearing some… Some kind of overalls that don't go all the way up. I don't get 'em, but somebody's Switch-tan has worn 'em, so…

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warriors was my religion when I was younger and it still slightly is?

and I miss reading all the books but I just never have the time to sit and read
But I always have time to draw so…

I drew my fav kitty 💕

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"Eu também possuo a eternidade. Quando nós explodimos o nosso Cosmo, criamos uma força. Nesse momento, nós Cavaleiros, nos fundimos com o Universo… E chegamos perto da eternidade."
— Seiya de Pégaso

Arte por Ax Rococó

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/m/ - So…any chance we are ever going to see animated https://t.co/TcABLXbznL

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Idk, ya paso el mame de la de y eso del pero me valio Bertha y me dibuje con la coronita, so… no se x'd
Quedo bonito uwu

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so… with her bleaching ability, it would’ve been pretty bad if white diamond was physically at the era 3 ball to see stevonnie, huh?

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So I actually did do some art I’m comfy sharing lately!! Quick day pieces unfortunately but I sold my soul to my film so…

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Monika's tip of the day~
It's always a choice, whether you will put forth your energy for something or not. It's always a choice, for you to either let something go or embrace it. So… between becoming a prisoner of bitterness and living your life happily, what's your choice~?

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This time is Galbo! 🍫✨
I found this one searching for cute packings and i really like it, the chocolates are quite chubby and cute!!
Anyone knows how it take like? 🥺💕

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So… if and Longshot were playing a game of dominoes… who would win? 🤔 These are the kind of questions that keep me up at night. 😂

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