画質 高画質

Reading after post of the person followed after him from DA and now like "nope!" It's a shame tbh since he's a good artist.

Yes I've followed him since DA. compare the pics I made 2014 till now 2019...I sure have gone looong way! my OC char Yato no kami

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Recent commission of Inaba Kami from wayward

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by !!! i love it so much 😭😭😭 matchy kami ni hehe 🍑

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(Ignora o passaro na roupa) Ele(damian) Faz cafuné na kami e cosquinha na barriga :)

Nada sexual, só amigavel ❤

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Hey Kami thanks for this! Here’s some of my work! Instagram: https://t.co/2XqDQiOnxR

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I'm Jean :-)

Thanks for the thread Kami !

5 29

Hello! Thank you for this thread!
I'm Kami, a self taught digital artist. I love drawing fanart and my own stuff. I also do commissions as well. ^^

2 14

Ok, here's one of two protags for my fan YGO story- Yu-Gi-Oh! Kami
His name is Yuuno Roukiri (瀧霧 遊野) with name being similar to "uno" wich means "one" and Roukiri means "misty waterfall"

The deck name is combination of "mist+antiques" but welp also a pun on "mysteques"

4 13

ocs // Celeste pretty and also possessed by a kami. it's all cool his sister is too and the kami are also siblings

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I'm Kami, a self taught digital artist. I love drawing fanart and my own stuff. ^^

4 22

Hace días hice un reto con . Cada una iba a escojer un conjunto de ropa y lo ibamos a dibujar en un Personaje propio. El de la chamarra es Drac, le pertenece a kami, yo solo lo coloree. El de azul es Ciro, mi personaje el cual fue coloreado por Kami

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https://t.co/vojL62PibT In the meantime, here are a few other designs Kami came up with for us all to enjoy!

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Preorder kalender 2020 kolaborasi sama harganya 80.000 bonus artprint, stiker, dan doa dari kami supaya rejekinya lancar.

Kalender dinding ukuran A3

Order lgsg dm ke https://t.co/IsGnQrmUtQ sampai tgl 8 desember

23 62

Congrats on 2.5K!
Here's my artwork. I'm Kami, a self taught digital artist. I love drawing fanart and my own stuff. ^^

1 10

Hello! Thanks for this thread!
I'm Kami, a self taught digital artist. I love drawing fanart and my own stuff. ^^

3 13

Jutaan orang tidak menyadari bahwa The Squader Bros bakal ada di 14 😱😱..

Jangan lupa datang ke CF ya februari nanti ya, tim squader.
Bakal ada merchandise dan konten eksklusif untuk next chapter the squader bros.
Kami tunggu kalian 😉😉

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Hi karena item terbatas dan khawatir sold out maka untuk Mafumafu Fan Meeting merchandises akan kita percepat close order-nya jadi hari ini pukul 20.30 WIB ya ><
Yg masih mau order kami tunggu ya! :)
*DP langsung transfer setengah harga!
*Pesan 👇

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