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I can finally share one of my latest commissions! Love drawing the character in border terriers' faces ☺


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James Gillray followed Hogarth with Prime Minister Pitt as the Devil, Queen Charlotte as Sin and Lord Chancellor Thurlow as Satan. Dorothy George said the "outrageous representation of the Queen, is said to have given great offence at Court", see https://t.co/NlnfTlbg0x.

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Hello twitter, here are some portraits of Ordinary Folk. Because, as sparkly as they are, History is not all about Rich People.

– watercress seller (1780)
– kitchen servant at Oxford (c1680s)
– [believed to be] Washington's enslaved cook (c1795)
– Hogarth's servants (1750s)

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The Pool of Bethesda which forms part of the staircase decoration of Bartholomew Hospital. It sits alongside The Good Samaritan, reflecting the hospital's caring for the sick.

The people seen at the Pool are said to be modelled on real patients!

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Hi, I'm Jon, I'm a freelance illustrator, cartoonist, and story artist!
https://t.co/zGW8u87CBy ✨ jonathanherzogartist.com
IG: https://t.co/7TVCfjXsaM

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Was sind die Designtrends 2018? Wir haben extra für dich neue Stile und Techniken unter die Lupe genommen und die interessantesten in unserem Blogartikel zusammengefasst: https://t.co/gIc9pK4Jhc

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