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Tinkering with Six. The right design was suppose to be a puppy version of him while the left one was an attempt at a redesign. Kinda liking it, but still needs some work.

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hi!! i'm riley / minkeroo, i'm an artist & streamer, but mostly a full-fledge little jester. my goal is to (eventually) hit 1000 here on twt! but starting with baby steps is 200 before the end of the year (:<

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New zaun arcane oc⁉️⁉️ Vergahn - a tinkerer and totally (not) a drug dealer of Shimmer
I don't know why I drew his pelt color in grayscale but his fur is brown lo

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Main sona: Salem
Nicknames/Alias: Salem and Grimm
Personality: friendly, caring, helpful, sentimental, envious, insecure, overthinker, emotional, temperamental, rude at times, honest, negative and selfish at times.

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Rozmaher Vatsa - a tinkerer/mechanic. He shies away from combat, choosing to fix things rather than break them….

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"I can't believe you fell for it, hook, line, and sinker!"

Got me a duo comm with based on a show we both enjoy. Been needing more art like this tbh


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Past heroes reborn; their fates’ align. Writer Matt Fraction, Penciler-Colorist Terry Dodson, Inker Rachel Dodson: Fraction expertly shifts between past/present, part one of the 2nd arc also cunningly sets up our heroes’ next peril with Dodsons’ visual verve. 5/5

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Tinker, tailor,
soldier, sailor,
rich man, poor man,
beggarman, thief.
All will give their blood for the motherland

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Ed and Ein. Another impromptu piece from earlier this year I decided to tinker with a bit more - https://t.co/gRFIXVziOC

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A lil thing I did last year when I started out digital art and now it's been a year of in and out just drawing stuff for fun. This was made when I was using a MacBook and the Macbook went gapoinkers, lost everything tho I still managed to find this. Fun times good journey

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(Also gonna post this on my daily account)
📿❤Friendship bracelets!❤📿

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//punznf :D

the stonerficarion of gnf, I like to consider myself a freethinker

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Thanks for commissioning me
It was so fun drawing this little stinker 😈

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scientists and tinkerers

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Hi I’m Tory! I am an Artist and a collector. I’ve Worked for LAIKA animation as an innovator, winning a science and technology OSCAR. Hasbro, as a designer. NIKE, working with Tinker Hatfield. I combine my fine art with digital augmentation and motion graphics.

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