画質 高画質

January: Vibing, excited to finish school, gonna see my friends
Now: Exhausted, trying their best, I hate college https://t.co/YRrDFt510a

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January vs September

Back then I was giddy and exhausted trying to juggle con crunching and school and work all together

Nowadays I'm just exhausted for working retail and dealing with idiots on a daily basis

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January: looking forward to kiddo going back to school, lifting weights, rolling in babes, pumped to grow my business even more
September: full time mom and teacher, constantly exhausted, no time for my store; my only escape is my garden. Hasn’t gotten laid in 6 months https://t.co/lDCixVfnVX

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January: coping with depression (sorta), restarted my meds, already looking forward to AWA and seeing friends again

September: fucking Exhausted, have been outside for something other than groceries maybe 4 times, barely coping with stress and depression https://t.co/3OqUkVkfwH

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Hi I’m stressed, overworked and exhausted please take this quick salsa Keith I drew on my dinner break 🌽

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January vs September:

Jan: Exhausted from working 3 jobs with no time off, but excited to be in my dream field/job! 1 year anniversary or realizing that I was Sad.

Sept: Field of work is gone for the next ?? years & feeling useless. Moved in with GF and very happy about it!

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January: college student, exhausted and sad, hopeful for the future, cut my hair too short

September: graduated, 2 jobs, still exhausted but less sad, don’t wear my glasses anymore bc nothing matters https://t.co/4t6FYv7QXR

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me in january vs me in september

silly mode to fucking TIRED EXHAUSTED DEPRESSED MODE https://t.co/oWkIRrwfVS

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My hair has grown out a lot now but you could still see traces of blonde hair near the tips;; I'm also exhausted at least 90% of the time these days

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Bruh I've been way too exhausted to draw recently but then the first thing I draw in a while is a whole ass Marsh ref... I probably ain't finishing it though because... I hate coloring LMAO.

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jan 2020 -> sept 2020

from tired and recovering to exhausted and constantly on edge But with a bachelors degree !


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January VS September
I went from tired optimistic gay to tired absolutely exhausted gay. sometimes it be like that https://t.co/alyRUnBDlL

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january vs september

i went from so being excited to hang out with my friends every few weekends a month to being so physically & mentally exhausted of the world that i want to walk into the woods and never return https://t.co/YgFsIQ9PJ7

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January vs September!
I was getting prepared for my surgery and also trying to find us a place to move in to in January. I was stressed and exhausted.
Now I’m in my own place, I have a small business, and I’m post surgery~ https://t.co/Hjd5v2bQkn

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january vs september

i was exhausted but so excited at the start of the year... now look at her! she is ginger and full of existential dread!!! https://t.co/l0jo8feyKB

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January 2020 vs September 2020
fucking exhausted but *always* ready to throw down

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(Jan v sept) I'm working from home and SIGNIFICANTLY more exhausted https://t.co/xbimVjfwTQ

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Taking a break from EVERYTHING, including this place, couldn't fucking enjoy my Monday off so, staying home today too. Mentally exhausted and my immune system is bitching already. Don't wanna overthink but my boss may have caught COVID-19 & we were close last Friday. Awesome 🙄

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My baby passed away yesterday at the vet, after 7 and a half years of love.
I'm starting to feel exhausted to say goodbye to so many of my loved ones. I won't give up, but I keep asking myself, why did they left me?

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January vs September
It was all fun and games until summer break was over and my last year in high school took over my whole life.
I have never been more exhausted

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