画質 高画質

Based on tweet

no one can't deny the existence of these two siblings 👁️👁️💕

60 363

dnf , irl shipping , dreamnotfound , eyestrain /

damn lol

70 662

//CW dnf

I hate everyone on this app this is a one-time thing

16 113

If ur gonna cancel me for this at least get me to 3k

52 792

dnf , irl shipping , eye strain /

running fingers thru yo homie's hair AINT GAY ‼️

19 224

my last tweet for tonight ajshissjdi

2 34

hi this is because i lost a bet but i’m cheating and just colored a sketch + drew them as cats (designs on ). also clout, i love clout CLOUT!!!! 2k word oneshot coming soon. i’ll make a deal with u and write a oneshot every 100 followers EAT MY ASS 😒

2 24

Sunrise Morning :)
gOD I love drawing comfy scenes. This was honestly one of my favorite drawings to put together and I’m loving the outcome, hopefully you are too :D! 🤍🤍

3 78

Dreamnotfound AU where :

Popular boy george ends up in a platonically not so platonic relationship with the new student Clay, misunderstanding soon follow as the pair try to figure things out, sadly both are bad at feelings

2 24

we were 5 followers below the limit when the timer ran out, but i had already finished this so:

part one of twitter made me do it: dreamnotfound edition

5 42

// dnf , dreamnotfound , gream , JOKE irl shipping

well... you guys asked for it LOL. i decided 2 go back to my roots w this one and draw them as furries. 😽 i feel like it just adds how cursed this already is. 💔 this was fun to draw ngl. i'm not a wuss so:

30 298

// dnf , dreamnotfound ???
maid dnf , AND for FREE !!!! GIVE ME FOLLOWERS!!

75 700