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These are only three of many brilliant artworks by Warwick Goble who is mainly known for illustrating Indian and Japanese fairy tales.💙

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LRT imagine reacting like this over a retweet lmao😭 it doesn't look like a Plains Indian War Bonnet which is usually the thing that Non-Natives tend to culturally appropriate 😭the closest thing to the fanart headdress is the Aztec headdress but it barely even resembles that lol

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I'm 50% indian.
But grew up in Germany and never got in touch with the fascinating indian culture or lifestyle.
Nowdays I think, there are too less cool, independent female indian heroes in the entertainment industry.
Too less for (half)asian girls to identify with 🌞

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I really liked Earnest Evans playing Indiana Jones on the it's not the greatest platformer but it was the first game I saw on CD and it blew me away with it's music and the extra graphical details over the

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Hello hello! Indian-American artist here, I draw pretty landscapes and gloomy people. Portfolio: https://t.co/a4I9XjrpjI

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🇧🇷 Recentemente eu fiz desenhos dos quatro filmes da saga Indiana Jones (dos vilões da série) quais deles é seu favorito?

🇬🇧 Recently I made drawings of the four films in the Indiana Jones series (from the villains in the series) which one is your favorite?

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Reality,sensation & feeling were the hallmark of Shanu Lahiri’s art.
Shanu Lahiri 1981.

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The Last Crusade

(Grail Knight and Walter Donovan)

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Yo! Thanks for the space!

Im a Bi British Indian character artist and musician, whos prepping a 5e campaign that I'm gunna be streaming on twitch. Heres 4/5 of the PC's.

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Buscaba algo de Indiana, pero no hubo suerte, asi que eso...

>>> https://t.co/xdyp3OCtLd

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Me and my esophagus after I drink coffee and eat leftover indian food for lunch

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La cuina índia m'agrada quan el pollastre 'tandoori' i el xai 'biryani', dues especialitats de la gastronomia panjabi, estan tendres i se't desfan a la boca. Al restaurant Taj Indian (Bailèn 219) tots dos plats els surten brodats

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In his early years, Guru Teg Bahadur learned Gurmukhi, Hindi, Sanskrit and Indian religious philosophy from Bhai Gurdas, and archery and horsemanship from Baba Budha while his father Guru Hargobind Ji, Master of Miri and Piri taught him swordsmanship.

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