画質 高画質

(rey×​Dark!Rey×Kylo Ren)

34 83

As today is pretty special , here is a little gift to the most supporting and loving fandom i wish you will like it 😙❤, i don't have enough words to tell you how much i am grateful , thanks to all those who supported me !

54 200

This got banned on tumblr so enjoy kylo presenting his nipples, twitter reylos. Request from tumblr.

51 114


13 48

It's been 84 years since i've posted fresh new art that wasn't a repost from my tumblr

54 136

Instead of jumping and running out of the media room yesterday, she could have just slid onto his lap and finally tasted him, run her fingers through his thick black waves, glided her fingertip over the pink shell of his ear.

4 19

Request from tumblr - Rey hugging Ben from behind during a forcebond meet up

50 125

Decided to dust off this old doodle and splash some colours as it's been one year since became canon. 💘🥂

10 26

TLJ一周年という事で、観て最初に描いた「TLJってこういう話でしたよね」絵と、それをクリムト風でリメイクしたやつ クリスマスのは、TLJ後にやっと、向き合ってほほ笑むレイロが描けるようになりましたという絵 

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