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12/4発売のCool-B VOL.95に『古書店街の橋姫』、「晴れ間探し(水上編)」のコミカライズが掲載されます!

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It's the last day of Hashihimetober and it was a really fun run!🙏💖 My fav fairytale is Little Red Riding Hood so here lol Happy Halloweennn everyone!🎃

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WOOOHHHH Hashihimetober day 29's prompt is AU and I really wanted to do genderbends so I followed my heart😂💖
It's Tama-chan, Mina-chan, & Kawa-chan from Imperial High lmao

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Day 22: Kaoru

I-Im so left behind with the prompts 😭 I swear I will catch up some prompts soon

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I may have skipped the crossdressing prompt but there's no way i'm skipping the prompt for day 19, which is "Children"😤☔️ I just think that Hikawa and Kawase are the cutest😂🙏✨

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I've been so busy but I really wanted to draw today so I did Sazan and Hitotsurugi for today's prompt: fav supporting character/s!💮 I think they're really wonderful women who support Hikawa😌💖

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Happy Belated Birthday Kaoru my baby!! He deserves all the loves 🥰🥰🥰

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Last minute
Day 2: Favourite Character
In my case, Minakami is best boy.

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【本日発売!】Cool-B VOL.94は本日10月2日(金)発売!表紙&巻頭特集『ディストピアの王』。キャスト&発売日発表!大特集は人気大爆発の『ウウウルトラC』!!『古書店街の橋姫』『Paradise』コミカライズ連載いよいよ第2回!https://t.co/VQAPPHajLR 

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【明日発売!】Cool-B VOL.94は明日10月2日(金)発売!表紙&巻頭特集『ディストピアの王』。大特集は人気大爆発の『ウウウルトラC』!!『古書店街の橋姫』『Paradise』コミカライズ連載いよいよ第2回!https://t.co/VQAPPHajLR 

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