
24 75

The actual picture is much bigger, and I'm going to finish and draw a background later, but I wanted to post this close-up!

42 137

~殤不患とまんまる凜 ♥️~
The pictures Pili posted earlier this week were kinda cute...

44 120


20 49

ハッピーハロウィーン! 😀🎃
(狼男!殺無生 + 悪魔!凜雪鴉 + 海賊!殤不患)

46 133

TBF Vampire Family + まんまる凜 Pumpkin 🎃 for Halloween!

27 82

Because of the pics of 凜 and 殤 eating together last week, I decided to draw the return of 餅ぬいぐるみ凜. 🙂

21 65

Tomorrow is 体育の日 in Japan--ご自愛ください. 😇
I'm American, so I hope I got the concept of this day okay!

18 71


5 29

Inspired by the photos from 魔吞戰紀特展 a while ago.
I thought 蔑天骸's exposed leg was quite sexy. 😄

22 83

We rarely see 雪鴉 using his sword, so I wanted to try to draw it. He does more than smoking all day!

34 105

Based on the "Distracted Boyfriend" meme ( 「不誠実な彼氏」 ミーム) that is popular in America right now. 😁

37 88


11 33

Some of the ワンフェス photos looked as if they were closely gossiping together, so I made this... 😄

37 114

TBF will broadcast in Thailand by DEX Channel
Let's celebrate for this goodnews!!


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