画質 高画質

Cicatriz no rpg eh algo meio cômico
Inclusive fico titi pq de desconjuraçao pra calamidade a cicatriz do tutu afinou MUITO

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Padme Amidala for Star Wars Chrome Legacy 2021!

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Day 6: Padmé 💜

Here’s a character sheet/pose study of a pregnant Padmé. Check out the post on my IG: artlordofthesith for the references I used.

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今朝、Xbridge Communityから受け取りました。とても素敵なドローイングスタイルで、大きな可能性を秘めています。

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E se as coisas tivessem sido um pouco diferentes? E se o irmão perdido fosse na verdade o Dante, e não Beatrice Portinari? Como as coisas teriam acontecido? O que a Calamidade prepararia para nós?

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https://t.co/gbNCKYA6tK samidare (kancolle) shouhou (kancolle) by n-mori

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Artist: yuunamida_uyu
Source: https://t.co/doThWXANcE

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https://t.co/kett97HUhu gangut (kancolle) hamakaze (kancolle) samidare (kancolle) by hamu koutarou

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concept art for padmé amidala’s funeral

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- ̗̀❱
ᅠ— Haber mi chamaquita bella, de aquí no te vas hasta que me des una buenas lamidas de panocha jeje~

­­ ­ ­ ­­­­ ­ ­ ­­­­ ­ ­­­ ­ ­ ­­­­ ­ ­ ­­­­ ­ ­­­ ­ ­ ­­­­ ­ ­ ­­­­ ­ ­­­ ♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎

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111) Hoshi no Samidare - Satoshi Mizukami

Started my read of this Manga after the Anime was announced as I had literally never heard of it before.
While the beginning few chapters aren't all that good imo, the story improves with each chapter up an honestly goated ending.

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https://t.co/Xsvp8VJBjS mogami (kancolle) samidare (kancolle) by kusakasima

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https://t.co/4x3PMKLYhH fubuki (kancolle) inazuma (kancolle) murakumo (kancolle) samidare (kancolle) sazanami (kancolle) by kisaragi yuu (re:lucks)

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