Art! Alhamdulillah PAS dah selesei jdi bisa lanjut ngewip lagi 👍

1 30


Sold out within a minute!! 😭😭😭😭

Thank you guys for support 🙏🙏🙏

8 45

Alhamdulillah ya Allah anak anakku pulang barengan di standard, terutama C5 Bennett🙏❤

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alhamdulillah terima kasih atas doanya

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6 RIDERs (6th Batch) soldout.
Thanks so much to having this MadEyes Helmet. 👍👍🤘🤘🙏🙏

2 19

Alhamdulillah selesai
Terima kasih Lineartnya kak
Maaf kalau belum rapi warnain nya :)

1 2

GM. Alhamdulillah. Rider 5th Batch sold out.
Thanks so much to

1 22

Alhamdulillah, Neng series SOLD out. What's next? XD

1 13

AIDEN GEMOY AMAT 😭 kaget gais trnyata end season 1 kirain bakalan bnrn end huaaa alhamdulillah ketemu 3 bulan lagi ♥️

Gepeng w¡tch's w£dd¡n9 d¡ary

1 20

Alhamdulillah. 3 RIDERs from the 5TH Batch already sold. Thanks to

3 RIDERs & 3 Rider Game Edition still available, grab it now.

4 12

My 1st minted on have been owned by the collector. TQ so much 👍👍🤘🤘

7 18

Alhamdulillah, we are proud to announce that 21/21 SBC successfully found their owners.

Thank you everyone for believing in us and making it happen. Future perks and benefits waiting for you. 😉

Roadmap update on our Discord:

10 20

Alhamdulillah makasih udh ajak saya ke jalan yang benar 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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GM everyone✨

I checked my email after breakfast just now and I'm crying happily to received noti from alhamdulillah😭

KrystalGazer is now owned by
Thank you so much for being my first buyer🙏❤️

4 20

2011 - 2021
Masih awal awal coba pakai Photoshop sebelum ke Photoshop nge scan gambar dari kertas karena waktu itu cuma pakai mouse dan belum punya pentab
Yang sekarang sudah pakai pentab dan csp sama Alhamdulillah improve
Aku senang ✨

0 3

Alhamdulillah akhirnya selesai juga lukisan digital karyaku, potret dari Ibu Nyai Hj. Sholichah Munawwaroh Wahid Hasyim, Ibunda Gus Dur, Nenek Bu Nyai .
Dilukis menggunakan aplikasi Artflow dan Tablet Galaxy Tab S6 Lite.

66 729

alhamdulillah sekarang aku kena karmanya

0 6

Can't wait for the points table REVEAL of ✌️after
MashaAllah, Alhamdulillah.

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