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In five days: Hinode in #Moscow, #Russia https://t.co/pbTqGbqaF4 #animecons #anime @HinodeWCS
Starting this Friday in #Toulon, France: @MangAzur https://t.co/7qLIGlJe5p #animecons #anime
Friday starts @TexanCon at the Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas https://t.co/EOIPEfsPse #animecons
Tomorrow in Helsinki, Finland: Yukicon https://t.co/vZoGWwQgB2 #animecons #anime @yukiconfin
Anime Crossroads in Indianapolis (US), this weekend from Feb 19 - 21 https://t.co/8HBec55gUa #animecons @ACRSocial
So many #animecons this weekend! Such as @COAnimeFest, Feb 12-14 https://t.co/SWG7YfgwQV #anime
Also this weekend: @SwampCon at the University of Florida campus https://t.co/PhGI5ZWhBy #animecons #anime
This weekend from Feb 5-7, @ushicon in Round Rock, Texas https://t.co/bFRNyFF1OE #animecons #anime
Busy weekend for #animecons! In Canada there's now @GAnime in Gatineau, Quebec https://t.co/Wty2l36YKb #anime
.@Ohayocon in Ohio, US also starts tomorrow, until the 17th https://t.co/odrDs1NFBM #animecons
#AnimeExpo2015 drew record-breaking 90500 unique visitors, still less than expected http://t.co/aQgVRumOLT #animecons
Viime hetken printtejä :D huomenna nähdään #Animecon #animeconkuopio #witnessme
7月11日(土)・12日(日)にフィンランドのKuopio Music Centreで開催されます『Animecon 2015』に[Project.C.K.×さんま雲]で参加します!!
FanimeCon 2015 is upon us.
I'll be sitting at 804 at Artist Alley. Come by and say hi (and buy something)!
Princess Tutu!~ Gosh I love this anime so muuuuuch~
anyway I’m gonna sell these as straps at animecon 2015!~
Blobby at FanimeCon http://t.co/8Geqj3cf8R #anime #mikuhatsune #starwars #fanime2014 #fanime #fanimecon #blobfish
Come see her at Animecon's artist alley! Refreshing fan for fans from a fan <3
Yaoi-Revolution will be making their publishing debut with Arena May 24-27 at FanimeCon!
Eleanor Mallow, The Redcoat. Drawn by me in about 3 hours. may sell prints at #fanimecon :)