Sorry for lack of activity in the past days, am not really drawing as much of things that I could tweet but ye have that littler doodle. This 'hug' overgrew Soviet, he angy

18 411


4 67


22 373

❌ T h i r d R e i c h | N4ZI ❌

Un dibujo de Alemania N4ZI que hice, ¿quedó bien no? 👀♥️

2 31

Арт-подарок обложка к любимому фанфику "Монстры" для автора и подруги💘

8 262

I finished a drawing for a role and the first drawing of this year 2021, it fills me with pleasure that they support my art!
I am so happy 💖💕💖💕💞

0 6

Have been pretty bored so I drew this.

6 227