Friendship ended with the PACA SKS budget kit, we got a new one since we’re past level 15 boooys

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Edgy Eft is very excited. It's 's 15th birthday. 🎂
Thank you for being the best OS system in the universe. 💕

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【チラシ配布のお知らせ】朋さま( )のご厚意でPARK2日目10/14につきとやみのチラシを配布していただきます。スペースナンバーは「南2・す06a」、shag*eft様まで!

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Escape from Tarkov:Raid ep2のVORON装備を手元にあるブツでとりあえず仮組み。

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i need to learn how paint ft. the axolotl eft from ffxiv

his name is obo bobo if you're wondering

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4 new badges: EFT24, EFT25, EFT26, EFT27

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So on the patreon, we did a series called Lilli’s potions, where our amazon shaman Lilli gave a variety of potions to the cast of EFT. We have a sexy potion, gender potion, muscle potion, and age. Probably can come up with a few more. Any ideas?

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Lilli, a shaman and potion maker for the amazons! From our project EFT.

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Maya, an amazon and mother to many, many, MANY daughters! From our project EFT.

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Meet Celeste, a high priestess for amazons, with an extra feature, given to her by the gods! From our project EFT

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Monai, a werebear and Haba’s twin sister! From our fantasy project, EFT.
Had to correct a spelling mistake!

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Junior, Suzo’s werelion son, from our fantasy series, EFT!

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Suzo, a werelion milf from our fantasy series, EFT!

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Haba the werebear from our fantasy project, EldersFloatingTemple, or EFT for short!

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