My pix, British artist 1738 'Times of the Day: Morning' 1 from the series, of etchings & engravings on paper of London streets, depicting rich & poor, restraint & excess, nature & artifact Exhibited exhibition Britain London until 20/03/22

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Out of the Blue (Garth Ennis, Keith Burns) disponible dès cette semaine aux éditions |

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"Marjorie Finnegan, Temporal Criminal", el de Garth Ennis y Goran Sudžuka sobre una viajera temporal que se ha convertido en una de las revelaciones dinosaurianas de la temporada


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Marty Hogarth, a real cat man.

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ICYMI: Garth Ennis is writing a brand new BATTLE ACTION hardcover OGN with art by Kev O’Neill, Mike Dorey, PJ Holden and many more! Details here: Cover by Andy Clarke & Dylan Teague

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So excited to finally post this piece! Based on Garth Nix's novel "Sabriel." I love your work, truly an inspiration

is a fantastic teacher, highly recommend her SmArt School class!

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It’s Jan 6th! Which means it’s a day you can buy Sirens of Agartha! Wow!

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Just got my belated comps for of Batman: Reptilian. Classically dark and humorous, as you'd expect from this writer, rendered in a way that made it an intentionally tonal visual companion to 'Arkham Asylum'. What an absolute pleasure it was working on that series with Garth!

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De Garth Ennis aux Contes du Givre et nouveaux titres indé' : continue de dérouler son programme 2022 |

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Morgant Kneb, King of Vartel and inheritor of the conflict between Humanity and Elvenkind. Known to the Sun Covenant as the Usurper and the Elves of Kneb Woods call him Butcher King. After the death of Hogarth Kneb he was thought deceased, but he ascended the throne all the same.

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By the way, the modern Garth looks sleepy all the time because he's quitting smoking and antidepressants have the side effect of drowsiness. But things are getting better😳

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Today in History, Garth, know as and first appeared in Adventure Comics (December 31, 1959).

Aquaman:Tempest -

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Higher Sheep

Celestial Sheep - Dream Guide ( )
God Sheep - Netanel
Satan Sheep - Lucy Sphere

Discord: gengartheghostie#7811 (God & Satan)

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Evil Sheep is next!

Hydra Sheep - Tiabaah
Zombie Sheep - Denny

Discord: gengartheghostie#7811 (Tiabaah)

(Zombie Sheep) -

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Cause I got a lot of sheep arts... I wiil Start upload them hahahaha!

First! - Good sheep

Blacksmith - Bob
Potion Seller - Ali
King - Julius
Queen - Merry

Discord: gengartheghostie#7811

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