Armenian Woman, Istanbul, 1847
Ermeni Kadın, İstanbul, 1847

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📸 🇺🇸 class guided-missile USS ROSS DDG 71 left the Black Sea this morning and seen southbound through strait at 06:35 UTC.

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Amazing Collages by Ertan Atay: Ertan Atay is a creative director in advertising sector who lives in Istanbul, in Turkey. Ertan has always been interested in art. « Especially in painting. I started to draw at an early age. But after my high school…

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Perhaps the most famous satirical in the world is Molla Nasreddin. From 1930, had Hoca Nasreddin, published in While starting out with some it gradually lost its sense of with later issues taking on a News of the World feel.

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Watercolor by Tim Wilmot.

<Landscape Watercolour of Istanbul>

“모스크 사원으로 가는 광장의 길을 걷다 눈에 띈 나무 그림자에 주목했습니다.”

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1800 sonları İstanbulda bir mahalle kahvesi An Istanbul local coffee shop late 19th C

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I. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Ruslara esir düşen 1012 Türk askerini İstanbul'a getiren ve yolda geminin önü Yunanistan tarafından kesilmesine rağmen esirleri vermeyen Japon Yarbay Yukichi Tsumura'nın adı, İstanbul Beykoz'da bir caddeye verildi. via

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Russian artist unveils Putin ‘superhero’ paintings in Istanbul | National Post 😲😬

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Interested in taking part in the 5th Istanbul Design Biennale? They've opened proposals for their 'Kitchen'! Submit your Menus and Tools! Deadline is 28 Feb! >>>

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Another background I painted for "The Story of Smoothie" when the Circo travels to Istanbul, Turkey. The team did a lovely job figuring out how the gardens would look, it was fun to paint!

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23 Ocak Viyana - İstanbul uçuşundan Orion manzarası. Bu sefer kanat aydınlatması engelim yoktu o yüzden on saniyelik pozlamalara kadar çıkabildim

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Pinky sky ....
Hagia Sophia, İstanbul 💓

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11/27/2019 - 5/28/2020
Exhibition “Meanwhile in the Mountains:
Yapı Kredi Culture and Art Centre

[ ?]

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Diyarbakırlı Tahsin (Siret) Bey (1875, Diyarbakır - 1937, Kadıköy) was an Turkish soldier, artist & painter, mostly of seascapes and other marine-based works. He was a student of Hoca Ali Rıza (1858–1930).

Ortaköy Mosque/Landscape of Istanbul

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Neş'e Erdok (born 1940 in Istanbul, Turkey)

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遅ればせながら去年10月に開催されたCOMİKON İstanbul(トルココミコン2019)のイベントキャラクターをデザインさせてもらいました。

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