
ツール:Jot Touch 4、

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【Jotでおえかき】今日は国際女性デー! 世界の働く女性たちに「ありがとう」!
ツール:Jot Touch 4

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AdonitデザイナーKelly Scheurichは、昨日アカデミー賞を受賞した『ゼロ・グラビティ』を描いてみた。

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Created by Heath Fedorczak using the Jot Pro and Procreate.

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'Princess Mononoke' created by Viet Nguyen using the Jot Touch.

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Zombie Cat created by using Jot Touch 4.

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Just noodling around with the Jot Pro stylus my excellent girlfriend got me for Christmas.

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'Shirley Temple' created by Margi Laurin using the Jot Mini and Procreate.

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Chuck Berry by Brian Yap using Jot Touch 4 and Adobe Ideas.

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rvfzYwLxbfp9SXClb9V25eeu ゴム先のタッチペン、筆圧とスピードが合わない感じで下書きとか書き込みする気になれなくて残念。jotディスク発送になったから到着待ち遠しいよぅ。

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'Jot Script' created by Susan Murtaugh using the Jot Touch.

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Happy Halloween! Created by the talented Mike Acosta using the Jot.

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Created by Pavel Polz using the Jot Touch and Procreate.

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'Mechanical Animal' created by Mike Acosta using the Jot Touch and Paper.

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Playing with some of the sweet brushes and pencils in the . I love my jot touch stylus.

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Created by Milysa Lee using the Jot Touch.

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hffzYwLxbfp9SXClb9V25eeF 3G vita(中古)とbig simを導入してモンスターレーダーにトライ。捕獲は変な人に(笑)このvitaはjotと相性悪くえちゃん無理で途中で機種交代です

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'Amazing Spiderman 2' created by Philip Thompson using the Jot Touch and ArtRage.

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'Wonder Woman' created by Jolo Quibod using the Jot Pro and Procreate.

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